Why we choose to be LOW TOX and why it’s improtant to us.


What does low tox mean and why is it important to us

Choosing non toxic products means both you and your stylist get a safer and and healthier experience when in the salon and at home.

Many salon chemicals can cause irritation to the skin, disrupt your endochrine system (hormones) and or harm the enviroment.

We don’t believe that having your hair done should come at any of those costs so have actively sought out companies who don’t use these ingredients in their products.

My Low Tox journey - Abbie Salon Director

Using Sophic haircare, which was created with the female endochrine system in mind means i can confidently use products day in day out without compromising my health or that of my clients and guests.

Having spent years doing IVF and suffering with fertility issues, I went down the rabbit hole of trying to find out why my body wasn’t doing what it was literally created to do…make a baby.

When I discovered just how many endochrine disrupting products I was encountering daily a lot started to fall into place.

Plastics (BPA)

Synthetic Fragrance (perfumes)

Phthalates - These are horrifyingly everywhere! Commonly used in cosmetics and kids toys!!

Petroleum based chemicals

Pesticides on food like Atrazine

PFAS which is commonly found in textile coatings, non stick pans and on paper.

The list goes on and you soon relalise that we are coming into contact with this stuff DAILY!!

I knew I needed to make a change in my life and that therefore carried that ethos through to the salon, hence why we only use low tox products that do not contain any nasties and are safe to use, and we are all much better off for it.

Abbie xx