Our commitment to sustainability

we are always trying to find new ways to become even more sustainable, so keep a close eye on the salon’s development. if you have any great ideas that you think we could implement, please let us know. 

Together we can make a difference. 

  • We are part of Sustainable Salons and recycle all our colour tubes, colour waste and even donate hair! 

  • We do a lot of washing, but we only turn the washing machine on when we have a full load ensuring we keep our water usage to a minimum. Our detergent is always eco friendly and sustainably packaged. 

  • We have a water filter at the salon and encourage each team member to bring in a glass bottle to use throughout the day. Our clients also never need to bring in a plastic bottle, and we encourage them to refill their reusable bottles from the salons filtered tap.

  • Our lights are LED and turned off each night to conserve power. 

  • We only use cotton hand towels in our client bathrooms so we do not have any need for paper towels. 

  • We use ethically sourced and sustainably farmed coffee from People's Coffee

  • We use loose leaf tea which is then used for composting once used. 

  • We up-cycle our empty conditioning treatment pots for planting succulents or making candles.

  • We turn off our taps in the basin room when not in use to keep water usage to a minimum. 

  • We only align ourselves with brands who have a strong focus on sustainability and environmental awareness like Oway and Sophic. 

  • We encourage a team culture that brings lunch to work using tupperware, get coffee in keep cups and car share when coming to work to reduce our own personal carbon footprints. 

  • We use biodegradable re-usuable forks to mix our colour, and our colour gloves are always washed after use and reused. 
    In fact last year we only purchased 1 box of 50 gloves which has lasted us well into this year with over half the box left. 

  • We use Meridian for electrical supply which uses 100% renewable energy.